Calendar Corners
Now with LEE'S CORNERS you can print and finish custom calendars. Don't lose those big lucrative custom calendar...custom pad...or week & month at sight jobs. Just mount the corners to chipboard and insert the calendar or pad you've printed. That's all there is to it. You have a finished and very profitable product.
Price: As low as .18 each FREE SHIPPING INCLUDED!
Requires Cementing
No Need to cut Chipboard larger than pad!
Price: As low as .18 each FREE SHIPPING INCLUDED!
Requires Cementing
No Need to cut Chipboard larger than pad!
Price: #825 As low as .28 each FREE SHIPPING INCLUDED!
Black Leatherette Calendar Corner with Self Adhesive Strips
No Need to cut Chipboard larger than pad!
Price: #830 As low as .28 each FREE SHIPPING INCLUDED!
Clear Vinyl with two self adhesive strips for easy wraparound
No Need to cut Chipboard larger than pad!